Model Lori Harvey has lost weight by following a low-carb diet plan. She admitted that during weight loss vegetables, meat, and low carb diet were part of her diet plan. 

he also followed the workout plan of five to six days a week along with this diet. However, it is surprising that she was just taking 1200 calories per day at the maximum level. However, Tai Ibitoye a famous dietitian warns against the risk of following this type of diet plan which is not sustainable for a person like Lori Harvey as it results in cramps, hair loss, headaches, and many other issues.

Are 1200 calories diet sustainable?

In reality, it is not a diet that adults can maintain. No one can maintain this strategy for a longer time. Children under the age of five may benefit from this type of plan.

Additionally, not everyone should follow the standard diet plan because it depends on a variety of variables like age, body type, level of physical activity, and more. Stress levels suffer when calorie intake is lower than necessary. Menopause and other bodily disorders may be brought on by increased stress levels.

Sustainable Diet Plan for Wight Loss

Eating a balanced diet is necessary for healthy weight loss. There are numerous diet plans that can be followed, but it is best to speak with a nutritionist before starting any program. In addition, failing to consume the recommended number of calories each day could have negative effects on one's physical and mental health.