The aim this article is to enhance the awareness of  high interval intensity training and it pros and cons.

High Interval Intensity Training

High-intensity interval training is a form of exercise that alternates between short bursts of intense anaerobic exercise and brief periods of rest.


HIIT boosts heart health, lowers stress, lowers blood sugar, and speeds up metabolism and improves fitness level.


HIIT is an intense training methods. Due to this, its not suitable for everyone. one should have minimum level of fitness.

Your muscles will become sore.

You might feel lightheaded.

You might experience joints pain.

HIIT Workout

There are various form of HIIT workout including HIIT Cardio workout, Weight training, HIIT circuit training, boxing,Jumping track and many more.However, in all these training methods the key is the momentum you need to consider. For example if you are doing jumping track you need to start with slow pace and gradually increase the intensity then after three to five minutes reduce the intensity and then again increase the intensity and keep it continue for 15 to twenty minutes. This process can be repeated two to three times.

It is usually asked question. But it is difficult to answer that HIIT is better at Gym or at home because there are many factors involve in it. Many people do not have time due to their professional commitments so it is better for them to perform HIIT workout at home. Others can not find gym near by them. Many other factors include age, experience and fitness related goals. So, it can be performed in gym and at home.


HHIT workout is popular method for achieving fitness level. HHIT is performed using intense workout following by gradually reducing intensity level. There many popular methods including HIIT Cardio workout, Weight training, HIIT circuit training, boxing,Jumping track. HIIT workout can be performed at home or gym depends upon the goal of a person. however, there are many pros and cons of HIIT. On the one hand, HIIT can boosts heart health, lowers stress, lowers blood sugar, and speeds up metabolism and improves fitness level. On the other hand Your muscles will become sore, You might feel lightheaded,You might experience joints pain. 
However, it is recommended to consult an expert before start the HIIT training workout even at gym or at home.
Concludingly, it is needless to say that HIIT is a widely used method for achieving a next level fitness.